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Why do people who want to change careers ultimately never take the leap?

Updated: 4 days ago

In short: They are convinced that the life change they contemplate, (getting a new more "mindful" career) will never make enough money (so they don’t even start)

Money is the reason number ONE why people do not change life and jump into a new career.

No surprise here, right?

When I decided to change and start a more mindful career 6 years ago, that was also my main fear. I was leaving a very well-paid corporate position to become … a pastry chef!

So of course, I was terrified of not earning enough money to survive.

Still, even if money is a super important factor when considering your next professional move, it should not be a blocking point.

Here are my real life advices to change careers safely.

Tip 1 - You have PLENTY OF TIME to prepare a financial plan that flies

Changing careers (especially if you quit a "corporate / well-paid" job for something completely new) won't happen overnight.

You are not going to jump from a “job that just pays the bills” to an “amazingly mindful but not profitable” career on a whim. That is not how it works.

So relax and start to think.

If jumping from a "well-paid but boring job" to a "mindful but poorly paid career" within a week is not even an option, what kind of smooth transition is possible for you?

How can you make sure that 1) you will love your new career, 2) and that you will maintain a certain level of revenue to pay the bills?

The answer is: you need to test your idea before jumping and you need a realistic financial plan to back it.

First, you need to be super clear:

  • on your current assets, what you got in-hands (savings, rents, passive incomes etc.) and how you could use it over time to fund your project,

  • on your real charges, the ones you can't avoid (mortgage, private school fees etc.) and the ones you can at minimum reduce or limit. I know, it's painful, but I swear that here, you are going to start to save money just by looking at it (Do you really need a monthly subscription to Netflix + Disney Family + Now TV + your gym + ...? Do you really need to spend £500 per month on Amazon? Can you slow down on night-out drinks or takeaways?)

Once you have realistically assessed your budget, it's very likely that you will have identified pockets of savings. And there you are: you are starting to get money you could use to fund your coming career change.

Sounds like cutting down your monthly subscription to iTunes won't be enough? (of course, it won't), it's totally fine. Because now is time for the second phase: finding multiple sources of revenue.

Tip 2 - You have PLENTY OF OPTIONS in order to generate revenues when jumping to a new career

Again: you will not change careers overnight.

Not only it would be irresponsible moneywise but also totally stupid if you are not sure if your new career idea makes sense for you.

I have said it 100 times to my clients: TEST YOUR IDEA BEFORE JUMPING.

Trust me, there is a huge gap between the dream life of a cake designer that you see on TV and the real life of a freelance baker who spends 50% of her/his time looking for clients, 20% doing admin, 20% creating contents for social media visibility and 10% actually baking.

So before you start anything and take the risk to vomit at the idea of baking in 6 month-time, prototype your project (and start to make money!)


Let’s have a look at some real-life examples of what you can do to diversify your streams of revenue and test your new career idea.

You could keep your current job, and ...

  • ... start your dream jewellery business on the side as a sole entrepreneur

  • … organize catering events 3 times per year (and save the extra money to fund/complete the first months of your activity)

  • ... be a pastry trainee every Saturday morning (that's what I did!)

  • … ask to work only 4 days per week, write your novel the rest of the time, and sell the short novel collections you wrote 5 years ago on Amazon KDP

  • etc., etc.

These are only a few options! Everything is possible if you take the right time to think about what you can really do to test your idea without taking any financial risks.

My advice: if you are at the beginning of your career change project, forget about money for now, it's not your priority

I know it may sound counterintuitive (and super freaky) but trust me, now is the time to focus on the deep core of your project (i.e. finding a job that matches the skills you love to use, the environment you are thriving in and the values that lift you up) rather on how to make money from it.

Right now: money should not be an obstacle in your mindful career search.

Focus on the WHAT, not on the HOW.

Whatever mindful career you are craving, remember that a lot of options are possible to earn the right amount of money you need over your transition. You just need to be strategic and plan your mindful move.

Drop me a message if you want to talk about it, I’ll be more than happy to have a (free and non-binding) chat with you to talk about the mindful career of your dreams!

And don’t forget, be creative, be curious, be disruptive.

Nothing to be afraid of: it’s totally doable!

"Opportunities don't happen, you create them." – Chris Gosser - Entrepreneur & Owner at Invest in Naples

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